Pulp Arcana Studios

Audentes fabulas Fortuna iuvat! Fortune favors the bold tales

Friday, March 28, 2014

A brief review of Wonderbook by Jeff VanderMeer

Brief Book Review on Wonderbook by Jeff VanderMeer

Wonderbook is a unique approach to a writing guide, and I couldn't be happier with it.  I first heard about Wonderbook in a facebook posting, and the beautiful cover image combined with the bold statement that the book offered a new and unique approach to creating imaginative fiction appealed to me.  As I looked into the book, I kept encountering great reviews.  I decided I needed to get a copy and see what it was all about.  

In the last three years, I have switched over almost exclusively to electronic books, so I was kind of bummed that there was no ebook for Wonderbook.  Honestly though, now I am glad all they had available was the hard copy.  There is something just...right about being able to hold this thing in your hands, flip through the glossy pages, and marvel at the art.  It is a really beautiful book.  

The overall structure of the book, the lessons, tips, and suggestions it offers, all are presented logically but without an overtly linear feeling to things.  This really spoke to me as I read it.  The author has taken effort to make the book accessible as a reference, but it is his suggestion that you read through the book fully, and I would agree.  This leads to what was probably my biggest surprise and also, my highest praise for the book.  

It is a blast to read.

It makes you want to try things with your own writing.  It fires up the imagination.  It lives up to the hype.  

Wonderbook webpage:  http://wonderbooknow.com/

Pro Se Podcast interview

The Pro Se Productions podcast from last month interviewed the authors featured in High Adventure History.  It was a blast to talk to the editor and other authors and such topics as pulp in general and the historical periods and inspirations for our stories.  Have a listen and let me know what you think.

Pro Se Podcast

Thursday, March 6, 2014

The Hanged Man comes to life in High Adventure History

The Hanged Man- The 13 Coils  The gallows could not kill him, and now the hangman's rope around his neck is his instrument of justice and savage vengeance.  

High Adventure History is out now from Pro Se Productions, one of the leaders in the field of New Pulp.  The overall theme of the collection was to take Pulp characters and put them in a different historical setting.    My story in the book is called "The Hanged Man: The 13 Coils," and it focuses on a classic Pulp avenger hero but in the world of Medieval England.  
The collection is available in both print and ebook formats on Amazon.